10 km races in Austria - dates

10 km Runs 2024 in Austria • All Races

An overview of 10 km running events in Austria.

The dates for all 10k races in Austria, including registration, results and other details.

In Austria, more than 1,000 running events are held each year, many of which are run over the 10-kilometer distance.

The ten-kilometer distance is highly sought-after in popular races. After all, almost every healthy person can run this distance without much training. In addition, the ten kilometers offer an ideal form test for half marathon training or marathon training.

The good thing about a 10-kilometer run: Long-term and targeted training, such as for a marathon, is not absolutely necessary for it. You can also do a ten-kilometer race in between and at short notice. Fortunately, you have a large selection of runs. Almost every weekend in Austria there is a popular race over this distance. Many half marathons or marathons also have a run over this distance in their program.

The biggest 10-kilometer runs in Austria

Since most running events are not pure 10-kilometer races, a selection of the biggest tens in the country is very complicated. At many events, the 10K run is one event out of many. For example, some big city marathons also have a 10-kilometer race as a supporting event. For example, there is the Vienna10K, which since 2017 has been held the day before the Vienna City Marathon and runs through the main avenue of the Prater in Vienna. The Salzburg Marathon also has a ten-kilometer race as a fringe event.

Fast city runs

Ideal for fast times is the Innsbruck city run, which has been held in the Tyrolean capital since 1985. The run leads through downtown Innsbruck and past many sights. Best times are quite possible here. The same is true for the Mödlinger Altstadtlauf, which is held towards the end of the year. On this course you can also experience the city center in a sportive way and possibly finish the running year with a best time. You also have this opportunity on the last day of the year at the Grazer Silvesterlauf. Also in Advent, you can set a personal best at the Klosterneuburger Stadtlauf.

Women among themselves

Women are among themselves at the Austrian Women's Run in Vienna and the Bodensee Women's Run in Bregenz. At both events you can choose between a start over the 5 kilometers or over the 10 kilometers. The race takes place in spring.

Enjoy the panorama

As part of the 27-kilometer Wolfgangsee Run, less enduring athletes can also run the ten-kilometer distance. Here you move almost the entire time at the edge of the Wolfgangsee. You can be sure of a magnificent panorama during this beautiful autumn run.

In the northeast of the country, on the other hand, the Ruppersthaler Weintraubenlauf invites you to a beautiful ten in nature in the summer. In autumn this applies to the Feistritztallauf. By the way, you will definitely not run a best time in Graz if you participate in the E-Grazathlon. There you will have to overcome a number of natural and artificial obstacles on the ten-kilometer course. The climb to the Schlossberg is also part of the exciting and challenging course through the city. It's a similar story at the Wildsau Dirt Runs, which are held in several Austrian states. There you also have several obstacles on the main course, which provide an additional challenge, but also additional fun.

To the overview of all 10km runs in Austria:

All 10 km Races in Austria

10 km runs 2024 in Austria: Top-Events

VCM Winterlauf, 2. Lauf

Date of the race28.01.2024
Date of the race19.01.2025
Location of the raceWien
Distance of the race21,1 km / 15 km / 10 km / 5 km

Salzburg Marathon

Date of the race12.05.2024
Date of the race18.05.2025
Location of the raceSalzburg
Distance of the race42,2 km / 21,1 km / 10 km

Österreichischer Frauenlauf ®

Date of the race26.05.2024
Date of the race25.05.2025
Location of the raceWien
Distance of the race10 km / 5 km / Nordic-Walking: 5 km

mozart 100 by UTMB

Date of the race01.06.2024
Date of the race07.06.2025
Location of the raceSalzburg
Distance of the race119 km / 90 km / 44 km / 36 km / 22 km / 9 km

Bodensee Frauenlauf

Date of the race08.06.2024
Date of the race28.06.2025
Location of the raceBregenz
Distance of the race10 km / 5 km

Jedermannlauf Salzburg

Date of the race06.10.2024
Date of the race05.10.2025
Location of the raceSalzburg
Distance of the race21,1 km / 10 km


Date of the race20.10.2024
Date of the race19.10.2025
Location of the raceSankt Wolfgang im Salzkammergut
Distance of the race42,2 km / 27 km / 10 km / 5,2 km

All 10 km Races in Austria

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