Marathon Races in February

Marathon races: Marathons in February 2025

An overview of all marathons in the month of February.

In addition to the dates of the races, other information are also listed, such as registration, schedule, announcement, routes and results.

In the USA, the Rock 'n' Roll Marathon New Orleans and the Austin Marathon are two major races in February. In Europe, a number of top runners and thousands of hobby runners compete at the Zurich Maraton de Sevilla.

All big and well-known marathon competitions in February can be found in the following overview:

Marathons in February: Selection of major events

Maratón Murcia

Date of the race04.02.2024
Date of the race02.02.2025
Location of the raceMurcia
Distance of the race42,2 km / 21,1 km / 10 km

Breast Cancer Marathon - DONNA Marathon Weekend

Date of the race04.02.2024
Date of the race02.02.2025
Location of the raceJacksonville Beach
Distance of the race110 Mi / 42,2 km / 21,1 km / 5 km

Surf City Marathon & Half Marathon - Huntington Beach

Date of the race04.02.2024
Date of the race02.02.2025
Location of the raceHuntington Beach
Distance of the race42,2 km / 21,1 km / 5 km

Johannesbad Thermen-Marathon Bad Füssing

Date of the race04.02.2024
Date of the race02.02.2025
Location of the raceBad Füssing
Distance of the race42,2 km / 21,1 km / 10 km / 1,8 km

Mesa Marathon

Date of the race10.02.2024
Date of the race08.02.2025
Location of the raceMesa
Distance of the race42,2 km / 21,1 km / 10 km

Lagos City Marathon

Date of the race10.02.2024
Date of the race08.02.2025
Location of the raceLagos
Distance of the race42,2 km

Maratón BP Castelló / Marató Castelló

Date of the race25.02.2024
Date of the race16.02.2025
Location of the raceCastellón de la Plana
Distance of the race42,2 km / 10 km

Austin Marathon

Date of the race18.02.2024
Date of the race16.02.2025
Location of the raceAustin
Distance of the race42,2 km / 21,1 km / 5 km

Tel Aviv Marathon

Date of the race
Date of the race21.02.2025
Location of the raceTel Aviv
Distance of the race42,2 km / 21,1 km / 10 km / 5 km

Cowtown Marathon

Date of the race25.02.2024
Date of the race23.02.2025
Location of the raceFort Worth
Distance of the race50 km / 42,2 km / 21,1 km / 10 km / 5 km

Publix Atlanta Marathon, Half Marathon & 5K

Date of the race25.02.2024
Date of the race23.02.2025
Location of the raceAtlanta
Distance of the race42,2 km / 21,1 km / 5 km

Maraton de Sevilla / Sevilla-Marathon

Date of the race18.02.2024
Date of the race23.02.2025
Location of the raceSevilla
Distance of the race42,2 km / 5 km

Kilimanjaro Marathon

Date of the race25.02.2024
Date of the race23.02.2025
Location of the raceMoshi
Distance of the race42,2 km / 21,1 km / 5 km

Malta Marathon

Date of the race25.02.2024
Date of the race23.02.2025
Location of the raceMdina
Distance of the race42,2 km / 21,1 km

Click on "Weiter" to get to the overview of all marathon races in February in USA:

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