In this overview all ski resorts are listed, which are open today!

Please note that due to weather conditions changes can occur at short notice and therefore there is no guarantee that the opening hours are one hundred percent correct.

This page displays a selection of the largest open ski resorts in the Alps. Open ski resorts in the individual regions and countries are clearly listed on the further pages.

Open ski resorts in the Alps: selection

The largest ski resorts in the Alps or in all of Europe that are open today:


Matterhorn ski paradise

01.11.2023 - 31.10.2024 (365 Tage)
08:00 - 16:30 Uhr
Preis - 1 Tag Erwachsene
CHF 92,00
Pistenkilometer gesamt

Stubaier Gletscher

06.10.2023 - 19.05.2024 (226 Tage)
08:00 - 16:15 Uhr
Preis - 1 Tag Erwachsene
€ 63,60
Pistenkilometer gesamt

Kitzsteinhorn / Maiskogel – Kaprun

14.10.2023 - 20.05.2024 (219 Tage)
08:15 - 16:45 Uhr
Preis - 1 Tag Erwachsene
€ 72,00
Pistenkilometer gesamt

Hintertuxer Gletscher

01.10.2023 - 30.09.2024 (365 Tage)
08:15 - 16:30 Uhr
Preis - 1 Tag Erwachsene
€ 72,50
Pistenkilometer gesamt

Kaunertaler Gletscher

07.10.2023 - 20.05.2024 (226 Tage)
09:00 - 16:00 Uhr
Preis - 1 Tag Erwachsene
€ 65,00
Pistenkilometer gesamt

Overview of all ski resorts in the Alps

How reliable is the information provided?

The information on about 600 ski resorts in Europe is regularly updated live by the operators of the respective ski resorts, if necessary adjustments are also made by the team of HDsports. We cannot guarantee that the information is one hundred percent correct, but we do our best to keep the data as up-to-date and error-free as possible. If you know of any errors or missing information, please leave a short comment at the end of this article.

When do most ski resorts open?

Medium-sized and large ski resorts start the ski season at the latest in early to mid-December, in some cases also shortly after Christmas. In very high altitude ski resorts, on the other hand, the winter season sometimes opens between the end of September and November. Some glacier ski resorts are even open all year round, and of course this also applies to ski halls.

When do most ski resorts close?

This depends largely on the weather conditions or the snow situation. As a rule, the first summer breaks occur from March, and often the season break is also started shortly after Easter. In very high altitude ski resorts, skiing is also possible until May or throughout the summer. If there is a surprising amount of fresh snow in spring, it can also happen that ski resorts that have already closed can reopen at short notice.

When do the first lifts start in the morning?

This varies from ski area to ski area. As a rule, the first ascent is possible between 8 and 9 o'clock in the morning. By the way, we recommend an early start. The slopes are in excellent condition for the first hour or two. There is nothing better than skiing on freshly groomed slopes.

When is the last ascent possible?

Here, too, there are differences depending on the ski resort. The average is around 4 p.m. Our tip: In the pre-Christmas period, the last evening runs are possible at dusk. A moment not to be missed by winter sports enthusiasts.

Can there be short-term closures of the ski areas?

Yes, due to weather conditions, ski resorts can be closed at least for a short period of time. This can be only for a few hours or in the worst case even more than a day. The biggest spoiler is not necessarily heavy snowfall or bad weather, but the wind. If the wind is too strong, the lifts have to be stopped. This is especially true for chairlifts and also gondolas. Some ski resorts are particularly susceptible to wind due to their location and therefore have to pause ski operations for a short time several times per season.

When is the best time for a ski vacation?

We recommend the time just before Christmas. This is because there is usually already enough snow to operate almost all the slopes. In addition, the number of visitors is surprisingly low. This means that the slopes are in excellent condition for most of the day, including short waiting times at the lifts. What also speaks for this time are the mostly cheaper ski pass prices (pre-season) and the also cheaper accommodations.

Also in the off-season after the Christmas vacations and before the semester break is a good time for a ski vacation. On weekends you can expect much more activity than during the week.

How much does a ski pass cost?

Ski pass prices vary widely. The biggest factors are the size of the ski area, the region and, of course, the time of season. In Switzerland and France, ski passes are sometimes quite a bit more expensive than in Austria or Germany. But that's all still nothing compared to the U.S., where prices for daily ski passes have now risen to as much as 100 euros. In the early season (usually until Christmas), many ski resorts offer reduced tickets.

In Austria, day ski passes cost up to 60 euros, and in smaller ski resorts, of course, they can be significantly less. Children, teenagers and adults also often get cheaper tickets. Of course, savings can also be made on multi-day passes and season tickets, provided they are also used regularly.

Zum E-Book Trainingspläne für Läufer und Läuferinnen

In Switzerland, many ski resorts no longer have fixed prices. The earlier a ski pass is booked, the cheaper it is. Short-term bookings, on the other hand, are more expensive. The weather and the time of the season also have an influence on the variable prices.

Where can a ski pass be purchased?

A large number of ski resorts already allow the purchase of ski passes online. Often these are also somewhat cheaper there. Of course, the purchase of a ski pass is also possible on site in the vicinity of the valley station.

Overview of all ski resorts in the Alps


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